Our son does not want to continue the family business.

Hello Shade, I need your help. My wife and I have worked hard building our business with hopes that our son would one day join the business and eventually own it when we are retired. We sent him to a business school abroad only for him to return with a photography degree. He is our […]
Half full or half empty?

Let us take a short quiz. Before the exchange rate skyrocketed, you promised your wife a summer vacation. Now the money you have saved can barely cater for flight expense. There is nothing left for accommodation and tourist activities. Is your cup half empty or half full? You have been on a futile house search […]
#ThrivingOnABudget – Reducing Your Data Expenses

Times like this call for deliberate spending and cost cutting wherever possible, including data usage. Follow our guide below to save on your data expenses and preserve your money for other necessities. Turn off your data at night Research has proven that more people are getting less quality sleep because of the incessant need to […]
Summary of News

Punch Adeosun, Udoma, DMO meet as Senate rejects $30bn loan request The ministries of Finance and Budget and National Planning as well as the Debt Management Office have begun working on the details of President Muhammadu Buhari’s $29.96bn external borrowing plan following its rejection by the Senate on Tuesday. Power ministry gets N209bn as capital […]