A Unique Valentine’s Day Gift for Your Partner
Valentine’s Day is synonymous with heart-shaped chocolates and flowers, but what if this year you went beyond the ordinary? While many might overlook stocks as a gift choice, it happens to be one of the most extraordinary presents you can give to that special person in your life. In this blog post, let’s delve into […]
Growing Your Relationship with Smart Financial Choices
In the intricate dance of love and finance, establishing a strong foundation is crucial for the growth and stability of any relationship. Imagine creating a shared investment that not only secures your financial future but also deepens your bond. Investing in Mutual Funds can be a strategic financial choice that becomes the catalyst for a […]
Two versions of you as 2023 ends
Count down to the end of 2023, when two personalities struggle inside of you – each, aiming to break free and dictate your spending habits. Let’s see what these two versions of you promise. The version that: The version that: Has Already Calculated The Remaining Salary/Income For The Year And Has A Plan On How […]
Next of Kin vs. Beneficiary: Their Difference in Estate Planning
Next of Kin vs. Beneficiary; what’s the difference? Two essential terms in the world of estate planning are “next of kin” and “beneficiary.” While they are often used interchangeably, they play distinct roles in the legal and financial landscape. In this blog post, we will clarify the meaning of these terms, explore their differences, and […]
6 Safety Tips for the Festive Season
It’s the festive season and excitement is in the air! Children and adults are getting ready to celebrate Christmas and the New Year but sometimes, celebrations can lead to accidents if care is not taken. Here’s how to keep your family safe and healthy throughout the festive period. Secure the house If you will be […]
A smarter way to invest
It was 2020, the pandemic year. It was August – just four months since the compulsory lockdown. Bidemi, for want of something to do, decided to review his account statements for the past few years. He always received them but never really looked at them. He never found the time to. Today, he sat and […]
Let down your hair, it’s Christmas!
As exciting as year-end can be, it can also be very busy and demanding. With so many meetings to attend, budgets to put together and pertinent decisions to take, one could easily forget it is supposed to be the ‘holiday’ season. But it has been an eventful year and you have worked round the clock […]
Two kinds of people during sales season
You are likely to come across two kinds of people during sales season. First, there are the sales ninjas. They anticipate sales season, prepare for it, and maybe even save towards it. These people recognise the need for a purchase and think to themselves, it’s August already. November is just around the corner. […]
What You Need To Know About Roger Federer
A week ago, world tennis legend, Roger Federer announced his retirement from professional tennis, and even played his last doubles professional match with friend and rival, Rafael Nadal. Did you know what else the 20-time Swiss Grand Slam Champion announced? You guessed right. His retirement plans. The Swiss athlete indirectly hinted that he’ll be taking […]
They Won’t Teach You This At School
Aliyat and Aisha have been friends from cradle. All through their lives, they’ve always done things together. They attended the same secondary school, lived together during their university years, and even landed their dream jobs in the same organization. A few months later, Aliyat found out that Aisha was investing in something without her knowledge. […]