My 2017 financial resolution

2016 turned out to be quite surprising, albeit unpleasantly. Due to the nation’s economic challenge, the year is closing with many people’s finances in worse state than anticipated. As 2017 approaches, the realisation dawns that one cannot sigh in relief yet, the new year may be no different. Hence, the need to draw up a […]

Financial literacy and you

Series 01 was about Financial Psychology. Developing the right financial psyche however requires 2 essential ingredients: Discipline and Goals. SERIES 02: GOAL SETTING This is not anything strange at all. Many of us have at one time or the other set a goal before ourselves, either consciously or unconsciously. It is simply a dedicated determination to […]

Is this the gift you got me?!

Kunle has been confused for days. Despite all the thought and planning he puts into picking out gifts for his wife, he somehow always manages to end up buying the ‘wrong gift’. One time, he assumed a new set of jewellery would make her smile only to discover she already had the exact piece at […]

Recession proof…

People have devised several means to cope with the trying times. However, managing your income and living on a budget are only possible when you have an income. Retiring with nothing saved to fall back on is a risk no one should take. That is why we are here, to partner with you today so […]

What if it does not rain?

Stephen had always been that guy. The one who went to the village prepared, ready to spend. And he was determined to keep up his reputation this year. Even though over fifty percent of his customers owed him money and his account was hardly bulging. His wife shared her opinion ‘Everyone knows it was a […]

With Rising Costs, Here’s How to Increase Prices Without Losing Your Customers

“Every sale has five basic obstacles: no need, no money, no hurry, no desire, no trust.” – Zig Ziglar Production and business costs have been rising for some time, and a lot of strategies for managing costs are getting less effective in current reality. With the increase in market conditions, price inflation and weak economic indicators; […]

13th month or not…

If you are like me, you already have a list of the things you intend to do with the 13th month salary. However, the economic climate this year has affected the certainty of this revenue for many. While some employers have announced their inability to pay at all, some have offered to pay half of […]

What does ‘Next of Kin’ mean?

You most likely do not need to think about it anymore, you already know whose name to write every time you are required to name your Next of Kin. But have you ever thought about it? When you name a person Next of Kin, how much authority are you giving to that person, what should […]

Financial literacy and you

SERIES 01: FINANCIAL PSYCHOLOGY How much money do you need right now? N1 million, N5 million or N10 million? What exactly would you do with the money if you happen to be given right now? ‘Definitely, I will spend it on my needs’. The question is: ‘What are your needs’? What hierarchy of needs are […]

US election outcome: Any trump for Nigerian markets?

Yesterday, financial markets panicked at the news of an unanticipated victory by Republican nominee Donald Trump in the US presidential elections. In response to Trump’s victory, which went against poll numbers, global financial markets swung red on uncertainty regarding likely policy trajectory, given controversial comments during the campaign trail by the US president-elect. Unrestrained US oil […]