Mrs I want my children to study abroad

[vc_row type=”in_container” scene_position=”center” text_color=”dark” text_align=”left” overlay_strength=”0.3″][vc_column column_padding=”no-extra-padding” column_padding_position=”all” background_color_opacity=”1″ background_hover_color_opacity=”1″ width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] Mrs I want my children to study abroad My name is Philia, I have two children. I earn a lot more than my husband does but I try to downplay my income because of his ego. Although we live in a rented apartment in […]
But my child is only in nursery 1!

But my child is only in nursery 1! My wife and I had plans of dedicating the first year of our marriage to each other. No children yet, we said, just us. But nature had other plans. Barely two months into the marriage, she got pregnant. Though unprepared, we were elated, especially when we later […]
If you scratch my car

Driving on a busy road can drive the most patient man to impatience. Especially in a fast track city like Lagos where everyone seems to be in a perpetual rush to get somewhere and no one is interested in waiting for others. However, an understanding of traffic laws and their application can rid our road […]
Breaking It Down – The 80/20 rule

You have probably heard of the 80/20 rule and wondered what it means or how it applies to you. Also called the Pareto law, the 80/20 rule states that across every facet of life, the vital 20% is responsible for and controls the mass 80%. In everyday terms, it means that you wear 20% of […]
Short Story: Room Service

15 minutes to 4, Laura muttered, averting her gaze from the wall clock above the hotel bed. Slipping out of her shoes, she powered her iPad wondering how much she could do before nightfall. Good thing the meeting is not till tomorrow, she thought. A phone call and 15 minutes later, room service was on […]
Brexit – The Nigerian Perspective

If you listen to news of any kind, especially international news, you would definitely have heard the term ‘Brexit’ more than a few times in the last few days. Coined from Britain- Exit, the term refers to Britain’s decision to pull out of the European Union. Over 70 years after the establishment of the European […]
Social Media Etiquette; 5 things to remember

Social media needs no introduction to anyone. Even the uninterested are aware of the many platforms that exist and the wide spread acceptance they enjoy. For many, social media meets their need for a sense of belonging, for some it is a place to unwind, for many others still; it is a place to catch […]
What’s in your bucket list?

Most people are familiar with the idea of a bucket list, it’s a list of the things you would like to do, and experiences you would like to have while you are alive. The demands of everyday life are so hectic that there is hardly time for fun and adventures. Most people even expend their […]
Surviving Your First Day at a New Job

The first day at a new job can be tricky. You are thrown into a new environment, surrounded by strangers and saddled with new responsibilities. It can be daunting. For many, the first day feels like a continuation of the recruitment process, an examination of some sorts. Your task is to make a good first […]
Road To Success

It’s a frequently asked question; what is the road to success? We found the answer and we had to share. This Richard Duszczak video will get you started on the way to fulfilling your dreams. Enjoy!