World cup ready? Let’s confirm

So, it’s 8 days to the world cup, how ready are you?

We compiled a list of the five most essential things you need to have a fabulous time this world cup season. Check them out!

  • Evenings free; This is not the time to work long hours or have weekend duty. What to do? Report for work earlier than usual and maximize your mornings. No faffing or dulling, get to work in good time, do your work well so that you can leave on the dot of the closing time. If your boss is also interested in football, it should be an easy ride. If not, well, all you can do is try.


  • Data & Tv subscription; Don’t be that guy that waits till the morning after to glean match gist from his colleagues. Renew your cable subscription and keep your phone data-full. If you live really far from work, you might not need to subscribe for cable TV, what you can do is locate a decent& safe viewing center around your office.


  • Sure guys; There is nothing as disappointing as watching a great match all by yourself with no one to analyze the moves or celebrate the moments with. This is the time to connect with two or three of your favourite football buddies. Be open to making new buddies too, nothing unites like good football.


  • Settle Bae; Bae can stress you this season with constant complaints of how you are colonizing the TV remote and no longer have time for her. Perhaps you should buy her the hot new Nigeria jersey, and explain the match schedule to her- more like take a leave of absence. You can also buy her that book she’s been talking about or help her subscribe to a movie streaming application. P.S Think dialogue and compromise.


  • Money sense; If you look closely, you’ll observe that all the things listed above are going to cost you money. The World Cup is likely to increase your expenditure. That’s why you need to wise up. Spend deliberately and walk away from any temptation to overshoot your budget. Yes, you should have an allocation for ‘World Cup tinz’ in your budget for this month. It’s also important that you stay true to your investment goals, regardless of the jamboree.

We wish you a season of fantastic football.

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World cup ready? Let’s confirm