My dream wedding

Typically, when do people start dreaming about the wedding of their dreams?

That moment when your heart stops as it realizes it has found permanent connection with this person and forever is a huge possibility? Perhaps the day after he pops the question, or she screams yes? Maybe much longer, before you even catch the glimpse of the one.

Your wedding is arguably the most capital-intensive party you will ever throw, the expenses are endless. Many have found themselves in an endless pit of unpayable debt all in a bid to get married in style. Others have emptied their accounts and started their new homes on shaky financial ground. Does it have to be that way though?

The average lady has a picture of her dream wedding way before wedding bells ring. The average man might not particularly have a clear picture, but he looks forward to this all-important event and hopes to be able to splurge to his heart’s content. Truth be told, there is no problem with dreaming. As a matter of fact, everyone deserves the wedding of their dreams and everyone can have the wedding of their dreams, if they plan for it.

So, when is the ideal time to start planning? Hmmm, what about right now?

Yes, you are still in school and your wedding is the least of your concerns. Now is the best time to start. You can invest as little as one thousand Naira weekly. Set a goal on your PayDay Investor app, and just forget about it. Imagine how much you would have seven years later when you are finally ready to marry, accrued interest & all? That would be the most pressure-free wedding ever.

Maybe you are many steps ahead, serving your fatherland or at your first job. Bae is still in hiding and you have more pressing needs. But you know what they say, love happens when you have other plans. You should consider the ARM Life savings plan. Just set a direct debit order to save five thousand Naira monthly and take your mind off it. With the sum assured and interest accrued, you will be more than prepared for your big day by the time your investment matures.

It could also be that you are way past the stages described and bae has not only put a ring on it, you already have a date, few months away. It’s not too late. The ARM Money Market Fund is perfect for short and medium-term goals. You could open one and start investing towards your Honey Moon and take that off your worry list.

And if your wedding already happened and you are recovering from the staggering expenses. Take a cue from experience and start preparing for expenses ahead. Babies are expensive, and the interesting part is, their expense is recurring, best to be prepared. Our Education Plan is definitely a step in the right direction if you are looking forward to blissful parenting.

Key takeout, whatever stage you are in life, plan well and the next stage would be significantly easier.

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My dream wedding