7 Things A Valid Will Can Control

Valid last wills can provide for: Appointment of an executor of the estate. The executor should be someone you trust to administer the estate and follow what the will provides. The executor also pays the estate’s debts and taxes. He or she helps ensure that the beneficiaries receive what you wanted them to receive. Division […]

Why Every Muslim Should Write A Will

Islam and Will

If you are a Muslim and you have been uncertain about writing a Will, the below article would address some of your concerns as it would provide you with more clarity. The valid question which many Muslims ask themselves is, “does Islam support Muslims in writing Wills?” Yes, it does! There are inheritance guidelines laid […]

Myths and Truth About Will Writing

Myth: I’m too young to write a Will Fact: The legal age to write a Will is 18 years and above. Once an individual satisfies the age criteria and has the required mental capacity (must be of sound mind), he or she is eligible to write a Will. Myth: Will is for the rich guys […]

What You Need to Know About InCap Solution

What is The Incap Solution The Incap Solution is a service which helps one plan for the “in-between” situations where temporary or permanent incapacitation prevents him/her from making personal medical or financial decisions. Incap Solutions employ the use of Medical and Financial Power of Attorney. Why opt for the Incap Solution? It gives one the […]

ASK SHADE: My siblings are not happy I adopted a child

Dear Shade, I just turned 50 and decided to adopt a child since I never got married nor have a child. This 3-day-old baby is God’s gift to me and while I want to be around for a long time to see her go to the university and even get married, I know I cannot […]

ASK SHADE: Help! My husband buys assets in his name alone

Dear Shade, My husband wants me to include his name on the documents of the properties I bought before we got married. I refused to. Now, he buys assets in his name only saying I started it first. What do I do? Should I ignore him? Or would you advise me to start buying my […]

ASK SADE: Help! My daughter-in-law wants my son to write a Will

Dear Sade, My son who is 34 years old called to tell me that his wife of 2 years is encouraging him to write his Will. I’ve tried to wrap my head around it. I, his father who is 70 have not written a Will and this young woman is telling my son to. Should […]