9 interesting running facts

Whether you are a first-time runner, or you’ve been running for years, some of these facts about running will interest you.



Even if you’re a slow jogger, you’ll burn at least 10 calories per minute of running. That means you can hope to run off that block of chocolate you ate in less than 23 minutes.



Over 1 billion pairs of running shoes are sold worldwide each year. Oh, we hope you’ve bought your running shoes for the upcoming Run For The Future run/walk event? Best to be prepared on time.



Athletes dressed in red are more likely to win events than athletes wearing any other colour. Does this mean we’ll be seeing you in red on that day?



12 of the world’s top 20 distance runners are members of the Kalenjin tribe of northwest Kenya.



The youngest marathon runner is Budhia Singh who completed 48 marathons by age 5. The oldest person to complete a marathon was Fauja Singh from India, he was 100 years old at the time. Even more interesting is the fact that Fauja didn’t even start running until he was 89 years of age. It’s never too late. Start with this run/walk virtual event.



Music can boost your running performance by up to 15%! So break out those headphones and you’re your playlist updated always for a more fun run.



Did you know that eating baked beetroot can improve your running performance? Now beetroot might not be your idea of a yummy snack before a run/walk, but if it gives you that Usain Bolt kinda rush, why not?



Stretching before a run will make your body less efficient making you unable to run as far. Just like every other workout, it is best to start with a dynamic movement sort of warm-up.



According to research, running is an excellent way to increase your creativity and boost your productivity at work.


Download the RFTF app on Google Store to join the virtual race coming up the first week in December. Lots of cool prizes to be won – you shouldn’t miss this!


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9 interesting running facts