What if she never took the walk?

Funmi woke up on Tuesday morning to dress up for work, but this day was unlike every other. This was her last day at work and she felt a sense of utter relief and uncertainty. Relief because she had used the retirement lifestyle planner to walk into tomorrow and plan her future ahead of time, determined how much she needed to live a comfortable lifestyle at retirement and made additional voluntary contributions to match what her employer was remitting to her retirement saving. So, in that aspect, she was covered.


Her uncertainty stemmed from the fact that she wasn’t sure what to do with all the money she had accumulated and the free time she was about to have on her hands.


Several thoughts crossed her mind and as she drove to work, her mind traveled back to the day she took the decision to plan for a better tomorrow. She had stumbled on the Walk Into Tomorrow platform via social media and decided to check it out just for fun, but on getting there, she got the shock of her life. After accessing her risk profile and inputting all the information required, she realized that she was nowhere near having enough for the lifestyle she desired at retirement.


That day, she reached out to the HR of her company about making Additional Voluntary Contributions. Today, she had millions at her disposal to maintain a comfortable future without being a burden on her two sons who had their own families to cater to.  “What if she never took that walk into tomorrow” she thought. Her phone beeped her back to reality and she picked it up to see that Bisola, her close friend and colleague had sent her a blog post by ARM Pension about tips to beat retirement boredom and her face lit up. She clicked it and skimmed through – it had all she needed to keep her occupied post retirement.


She heaved a sigh of relief and smiled – tomorrow suddenly looked super good for her!


Three lessons from Funmi’s story:
  1. Walk Into Tomorrow to plan your ideal retirement
  2. Ensure you have enough saved for tomorrow
  3. Know what to do with your tomorrow when it comes.

Learn more about AVC at www.armpension.com/avc and don’t forget to download the ARM Engage app from Google Playstore or Apple store for easier access to your RSA.