Teachers – Heroes without capes

Doctors, Lawyers, Governors, Presidents, Writers, C.E.Os, Teachers, Students….

All these people have one thing in common. They are all products of the hard work of special individuals known as teachers.

From the time a child learns to talk, to the time that child  becomes a force in his/her profession, a teacher played a part in moulding him/her. Like a potter, teachers are the experts that mould every individual child taking into consideration his/her social and emotional needs. The teacher sees the talent of each child, understands their struggles and identifies the best way to help them succeed.

It takes patience, persistence, discipline, love and commitment to do the work teachers do. No wonder they are referred to as ‘heroes of the society’. They are the heroes that don’t wear capes but make an impact in the life of many generations.

October 5th is World Teachers Day, a date set aside by UNESCO since 1994 to celebrate the positive work of the tireless individuals that cultivate the young minds that are responsible for the future.

How it affects you

This year’s theme as announced by the UNESCO is “Teaching in Freedom, Empowering Teachers”.

When teachers are empowered with the right tools, they do their jobs better. When they do their jobs better, our schools and children turn out great. The ripple effect of this is that our children become better adults who present the hope for a better Nigeria.

But the job of raising children should not be left to classroom teachers alone. Every parent is a teacher in his or her own right. You play an active role in the development of your child into the adult he/she will someday become.

So, while you celebrate the classroom teachers, pat yourself on the back for the teaching you also give to your child at home.

Celebrate the thought you put behind saving consistently to fund your child’s future, the discipline, gentle nudges in the right direction and who they are becoming because of your efforts.