Q1:2024 Earnings Update | ZENITH | Interest & Non-Interest Income Improved Profitability

Interest & Non-Interest Income Improved Profitability Gross earnings for Q1:2024 increased by 189.12% YoY to NGN780.62bn on the back of increased interest and non-interest income. Interest Income grew by 154.94% YoY to NGN488.55bn while Non-Interest Income climbed 272.72% YoY to NGN292.07bn. On the other hand, Operating Expenses increased by 101.37% YoY to NGN199.77bn following a […]

2023FY Banking Stock Note | ZENITH | UBA | GTCo | ACCESSCORP

Zenith, UBA, Access and GTCo recently released their audited 2023 financial statements and was characterized by a common theme – “Supernormal profit” Zenith Bank released the audited Full-year results for 2023, revealing a robust topline performance. Gross Earnings, which exceeded our 2023FY estimates, grew by 125.45% YoY to NGN2.13trn on the wheels of increased interest […]

H1:2023 Zenith Bank Plc Earnings Result | FX Revaluation Gains to the Rescue

  Zenith Bank Plc published its H1:2023 interim financial results, recording a 138.51% YoY expansion in Gross Earnings to NGN931.12bn. This is on the wheels of a tremendous increase in non-interest income (+238.47% YoY to NGN551.84bn) in the period. Interest Income also supported growth in Gross Earnings as it grew by 71.86% YoY to NGN415.43bn. […]