Don’t ask me to trust him!

Cynthia looked at the wall clock for the umpteenth time, willing time to fly. Barely 15 minutes into the one-hour counselling session, she was exasperated already. Much as she loved her job as a marriage/relationship counsellor, there were those days and those couples capable of making her rethink her career choice. The Gregorys were on […]

Ask Shade- Mrs. My Son is Irresponsible

Dear Shade, My husband and I have only one son who has refused to do anything serious with his life, because he assumes all of our wealth will come to him and there is no need for him to work. Although we intend for him to inherit all that we have, I want him to […]

A rewarding investment…

child’s education

They say August is the month of new beginnings. Well, maybe it is. August is however also holiday month for a lot of people. It is the time to travel with the children, put them in summer camps or have those schooling abroad come home for some family time. While occupying children during the holiday […]

What does ‘Next of Kin’ mean?

You most likely do not need to think about it anymore, you already know whose name to write every time you are required to name your Next of Kin. But have you ever thought about it? When you name a person Next of Kin, how much authority are you giving to that person, what should […]