Next of Kin vs. Beneficiary: Their Difference in Estate Planning

Next of Kin vs. Beneficiary; what’s the difference? Two essential terms in the world of estate planning are “next of kin” and “beneficiary.” While they are often used interchangeably, they play distinct roles in the legal and financial landscape. In this blog post, we will clarify the meaning of these terms, explore their differences, and […]

How Michael Jackson Saved his Family With An Estate Plan

Michael Jackson

According to reports, Michael Jackson left 40% of his estate in a Trust to his three children: Prince Michael (12 years old, Paris (11 years old), and Prince Michael II (7 years old). He left another 40% of his estate to Katherine, his mother; and the remaining 20%? He dedicated to various children’s charity organizations. […]

The Importance of Estate Planning: Lessons from Chadwick Boseman’s Legacy

Chadwick Boseman

On August 28, 2020, the world mourned the loss of the talented actor Chadwick Boseman, best known for his iconic portrayal of “Black Panther.” As fans celebrated his remarkable talent, it was revealed that Boseman had passed away without a will, a situation known as dying “intestate.” This unfortunate circumstance highlights the critical need for […]

Don’t ask me to trust him!

Cynthia looked at the wall clock for the umpteenth time, willing time to fly. Barely 15 minutes into the one-hour counselling session, she was exasperated already. Much as she loved her job as a marriage/relationship counsellor, there were those days and those couples capable of making her rethink her career choice. The Gregorys were on […]

Ask Shade- Mrs. My Son is Irresponsible

Dear Shade, My husband and I have only one son who has refused to do anything serious with his life, because he assumes all of our wealth will come to him and there is no need for him to work. Although we intend for him to inherit all that we have, I want him to […]

A rewarding investment…

child’s education

They say August is the month of new beginnings. Well, maybe it is. August is however also holiday month for a lot of people. It is the time to travel with the children, put them in summer camps or have those schooling abroad come home for some family time. While occupying children during the holiday […]