Q4 2023 Capital Importation Report- Turning the Tide Nigeria Sees Capital Inflows Rebound

Turning the Tide Nigeria Sees Capital Inflows Rebound Recently released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), the Q4:2023 capital importation report reveals a 2.62% year-on-year (YoY) increase, reaching USD1.09bn compared to the USD1.06bn recorded in Q4:2022. This growth stems from a significant rise in two major components: Foreign Direct Investment (+ 118.42% YoY to […]

Q2:2023 Capital Importation Report | Structural Issues Continue to Constrain Capital Inflow

We recently published a report on Nigeria’s Capital Importation for the second quarter of 2023. The report shows the current trajectory of foreign investment inflows into the country and our outlook for capital importation in the remaining quarters of the year. DATA ON CAPITAL IMPORTATION Recently, the National Bureau of Statistics published its Capital Importation […]

Capital Importation: Q1:2023 – Foreign Flows Continues to Wane

We recently published a report on Nigeria’s Capital Importation for the first quarter of 2023. The report shows the current trajectory of foreign investment inflows into the country and our outlook for capital importation in the remaining quarters of the year. DATA ON CAPITAL IMPORTATION Recently, the National Bureau of Statistics released the Capital Importation […]