A ring is a ring, Innit?

Bola is the love of my life. I struck gold the day I found her. Refreshingly goofy and down-to-earth, from our very first date, I knew I was going to put a ring on it. She was not afraid to be herself and I could not wait to leave my heart in her beautiful hands. Two years of adventure, silliness and fierce loyalty and I was ready to take the leap.

It had to be lit, the proposal, completely dope. I wanted the kind of proposal that would bring tears to her eyes every time she recounted it. I wanted to give her a story she would not get tired of telling. So, I set to work. First off, ambience. Hmmmm, petals, candles, soft music, basically our own little paradise on the beach. A phone call from her favourite OAP telling her what time to be ready; have a complete outfit for our beach night delivered to her;arrange for her to be chauffeured to our date. Woah, the plan was coming together nice. I couldn’t wait to tell our friends.

Everyone agreed, my plan was air tight. I was pleased and sure she would be too. It took over half of my savings to put it all together, but I cared less. There was only one hitch, the Instagram vendor I had contacted for a ring sent me something that was not so great. A classic case of ‘see what I ordered, see what I got’. And it arrived late, like a few hours to action time. My babe deserved better, but I had already blown my budget and it was too late to make a hurried replacement. I would just have to be really careful when picking out our wedding rings.

Bola was blown away. The tears started flowing from the moment she arrived. She looked like a dream and I could not be more pleased. We had a pleasant time and she said yes. She said yes! But that is not where the story ended.

Early the next morning, she showed up at my door, the ring I gave her last night on her palm. Shocked beyond words, I stared on as she made her speech.

‘Hey hubby in waiting, I know I said yes but that’s cos it’s you and I want to marry you. But not with this ring. Nah, get me another ring abeg. One I can show off on social media. This our engagement is just between us o, till you get me a proper ring’. Done with her speech, she sashayed into my apartment.

‘Wait babe, it’s just a ring. A ring is a ring, abi?’

That is how I ended up buying two rings for my proposal to Bola. Two! The emergency ring bled my Money Market Fund account and left me broke. But my babe was happy, she flooded her Instagram timeline with picture after picture and the cutest captions ever. There was even a video of her flaunting the ring and singing- marriage fall on me.

A couple of months have gone by and we’ve started discussing the wedding. This time, Bola is not taking any chances, she wants to pick out the rings herself. I know an investment in love can never cost too much but I can’t stop myself from wondering; do I really have to buy her another ring? Can’t I wed her with the expeeensssive proposal ring? I mean, what will happen to that ring, does the engagement ring expire on the wedding day? What’s even in a ring sef, is it not our love that matters?

By the way, please tell that IG ring vendor not to cross my path. Thanks.


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A ring is a ring, Innit?