NYSC Orientation Camp is Over, What next?

Now that NYSC Orientation Camp is Over, you are one step closer to getting your NYSC certificate!

Here are a few things you should focus on doing in the next couple of weeks.


  • Get your posting letter signed: Head to your Place of Primary Assignment (PPA) to get your posting letter signed by an official authority. You’ll also need an acceptance letter to complete your registration at your NYSC Local Government office so don’t forget to ask for one.
  • Photocopy, Photocopy, Photocopy! You should know how important photocopies are by now. Always make at least 2 copies of every document you receive and don’t forget to include passport photographs as well. They’ll come in handy especially at the end of your service year.
  • If your PPA rejects you… If your PPA rejects you, don’t panic. It’s not a problem, just make sure the same PPA gives you a rejection letter. Then, take the letter to the NYSC Secretariat in your area and they’ll tell you exactly what to do.
  • Register at your LGA Office: Complete the registration process at your assigned NYSC Local Government Authority office. Your Local Government Inspector (LGI) will guide you through the process.

Word of advice: The earlier you complete the process, the better! See more career tips here

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