Daily Market Update | 18-04-2024

Daily Market Update (Equities)

Today, negative returns permeated the Nigerian equities market as the NGX All-Share Index (NGX ASI) eclined by 0.06% to settle at 99,845.91 points. As a result, the year-to-date (YtD) returns fell to 33.53% (vs. Yesterday: 33.62% YtD).  The poor performance of the market today can be linked to losses in GTCO, UNICAP and OANDO offsetting gains in ZENITHBANK, TRANSCORP and GUINNESS

The Total volume and value traded slipped by by 11.39% and 4.77% each to 285.91mn units and NGN5.54bn respectively. Today, GTCO traded the highest in terms of Value while ACCESSCORP traded the highest in terms of Volume.

The top gainers for the day were GUINNESS, NEIMETH and MORISON while the top losers were UCAP, CWG and CHAMS.

Daily Market Update (Fixed Income)

Today, average yield at the NT-bills secondary market gained 0.45% to settle at 19.31%, bringing the market to a negative close. However, average yield at the secondary FGB Bond market declined marginally by 0.0% to 19.26%. Furthermore, we note the introduction of a new bond instrument into the market, with a maturity date of 26th April 2029. Overall, the Naira Fixed Income market closed negative, as average yield added 0.22% to 19.28%.