Balling on your entry-level salary

Nothing beats the thrill of landing your first job post-NYSC especially after months or even years of job hunting with no success.

Now you have a salary and probably some benefits, issa big boy! Many things you’ve always wanted now seem achievable. You begin to dream of a change of wardrobe – how else will your Instagram followers know that you’ve gotten a job if you don’t slay for the gram? Bus rides start becoming burdensome – Ha! In this your fine suit, you’ll now come and start sweating in a bus? A new car or even daily Uber rides suddenly look inviting but wait! If you spend on all you ‘want’, you could end up being perpetually broke. Unless, you get strategic about this matter by introducing that little word called budgeting.

We know you hear it all the time but really, budgeting will help you distribute your money wisely and spend according to plan. In other words, so you can ball without breaking your bank account. Here are some smart money moves you should make:

Don’t bleed your monthly expenses

Guess what? Those new shoes, subscribing for more internet than you actually need and even those smoothies you seem to order every Thursday because ‘delivery is free’ (we get it, we’re not judging) may be bleeding you dry.

Take a strategic review of your monthly expenses and you may save enough to paint the town red with your squad in your own little way. You can also get creative with hangouts. Try going to a park (there are many to choose from) with your friends and you can all bring your own food, drinks and music.

Eat your own food

Do you know how to cook? If yes, then cook your own food. If you take lunch to work every day, by the weekend, the money you’d have otherwise used for lunch should be enough to make your pockets heavier.

Get a cool deal on used clothes

Find cool places online where you can sell old clothes that are still in great condition which you won’t be wearing again. The internet is buzzing with many of these online vendors. Try it out, you can use that extra money.

No shame in being a freebie/giveaway warrior

Did you know that there are many events you can get free access to just by registering online? or better yet, can you part with your email address or free space on your phone? It’s worth it if you’ll be getting access to a great event not to mention the free gifts.


Have fun on some of the money you save but don’t forget it’s always a good idea to save for the future. You can put a portion of it towards Additional voluntary contribution in your retirement account – talk about planning for tomorrow, today.



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