Key Insights About The ARM Ethical Fund

  Investing with integrity and aligning personal principles with financial decisions has become a significant consideration for many investors. Ethical investing, which takes into account social, moral, religious, political, or other personal beliefs, has emerged as a powerful tool for responsible investors. At ARM, we are committed to helping individuals realize their ambitions, regardless of […]

Does Islam Support Writing Wills?

If you are a Muslim and you have been uncertain about writing a Will, the below article would address some of your concerns as it would provide you with more clarity. The valid question which many Muslims ask themselves is, “Does Islam Support Muslims In Writing Wills?” Yes, it does! There are inheritance guidelines laid out […]

5 Creative Ways to Keep Making Money in Retirement

Retirement is a time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor, but for many people, it can also mean a loss of income and a struggle to maintain their standard of living. Fortunately, there are ways to keep making money after retirement. Here are five creative ways to do just that: Start a […]

Prepare for your tomorrow, today.

As a young professional, it can be easy to put off retirement planning. After all, retirement might seem like it’s a long way off. But the truth is, the earlier you start planning for retirement, the better off you’ll be. By starting early and following a few simple tips, you can set yourself up for […]

Setting Up An Education Trust: A Story of Hope and Preparation

Tomi and Dapo always envisioned a bright future for their children, one where they could receive the best education and chase their dreams without financial limitations. However, as the years went by and their children grew, they realized the cost of a university education was rising fast. They didn’t want their children to be burdened […]

Boosting Your Financial Health in the New Year: 6 Proven Strategies

Financial health is a crucial aspect of our overall well-being, and achieving it takes effort, dedication, and a well-rounded approach. Whether you’re looking to get on track with your finances or simply seeking to improve upon your existing habits, here are six proven methods to help you achieve your financial goals this year. 1. Cultivate […]

Amara’s Dream Wedding Turns into a Financial Nightmare

  Wedding planning is supposed to be one of the most exciting times in a couple’s life, but for Amara and her fiancé Chike, the lead up to their big day turned into a nightmare. Amara had been saving up for their dream wedding and was always on the lookout for ways to grow their […]

What You Need To Know About Roger Federer

A week ago, world tennis legend, Roger Federer announced his retirement from professional tennis, and even played his last doubles professional match with friend and rival, Rafael Nadal. Did you know what else the 20-time Swiss Grand Slam Champion announced? You guessed right. His retirement plans. The Swiss athlete indirectly hinted that he’ll be taking […]

They Won’t Teach You This At School

Aliyat and Aisha have been friends from cradle. All through their lives, they’ve always done things together. They attended the same secondary school, lived together during their university years, and even landed their dream jobs in the same organization. A few months later, Aliyat found out that Aisha was investing in something without her knowledge. […]