Don’t Gamble With The Future

“Another school year starts in September” Deji thought as he watched his son and daughter sleep. He didn’t know that raising children will be this expensive and as a single dad, he practically had to pay for so much to give his children the comfort he knew they’d have had if their mum hadn’t passed.
But with each year, school fees keep getting hiked along with other educational requirements. He wondered how much he’d have to pay when his children were old enough to go to the university. What if they decide to do additional courses after their Masters Program? Or opt for skills acquisition?
Funmi stirred and Deji patted her back to sleep. Then a scary thought crossed his mind. “What if something happens to me? How do I ensure they both still get the best education?” He thought.
His Oil and Gas business was doing well now but as a realist, he wondered if it will always be that way.
“Wouldn’t it be best to secure Funmi and Bola’s educational future now that his business was doing well and cash rolling in?”… he thought again as his mind took off like a train with no brakes.
“I can’t gamble with the future. I think I’ll call a Trust expert and discuss setting up a Trust with Funmi and Bola as beneficiaries. That way, I know I’ve got their education covered come what may” he thought. With a determined nod, he entered the plan in his reminder for the next day and a certain calm flooded his heart. He kissed the children goodnight and retired to his room where sleep beckoned.
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