6 tips to excel in your career

Many years ago, Maureen Akintoye applied a list of smart nuggets to help her excel in her career. Now, with over a decade of successfully running a top Marketing and Advertising firm in New Zealand, she shares a few career tips which worked for her and where they originated from.


  1. I first heard Zig Ziglar say it when people challenged him on his “positive attitude” manifesto: “You can do anything with a positive attitude better than you can do it with a negative one.” – Lea McLeod, Career Coach.


  1. Work hard and be nice to people. It’s a very simple motto I try to live by daily – Marie Burns, Recruiting Leader at Compete.


  1. There’s never going to be a precisely right moment to speak, share an idea, or take a chance. Just take the moment – don’t let thoughts like “I don’t feel like I’m ready” get in the way. Look to see if you have the main things or the opportunity will pass you by. Don’t let perfect get in the way of really, really good. – Kathleen Tierney, Executive Vice President and COO of Chub Insurance.


  1. Tenacity and persistence – nothing beats it. Even if your talent isn’t there yet, you can always develop it to what it will eventually be. But people who are persistent and tenacious and driven and have a really clear, defined goal of what they want, nothing compares to that. Not giving up is really huge. – Catt Sadler, Anchor at E!


  1. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness but of strength. No one got to where they are today without help along the way. Don’t be afraid to ask, and then remember to return the favor. – Elliott Bell, Director of Marketing of The Muse.


  1. Even if you aren’t feeling totally sure of yourself and your abilities, it’s important that you present yourself otherwise. That means, shifting your body language to portray confidence. So, while you may be so nervous before your big interview or meeting that you want to curl into a ball, resist the temptation to cower or make yourself smaller, and walk in with your head held high. – Michele Hoos, Writer.


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