3 versions of you at retirement

Ever wondered how retirement could be? If you haven’t given it a thought, then you should. Why? Because what you do today will determine how great your tomorrow will turn out and place you in one of the versions listed below.


Let’s take a look at these three versions…


The working version


This version of you craves the rest and adventure that retirement promises but you can’t have it because you need to still work to earn a living.



Recommendation: We suggest that you consider making Additional Voluntary Contributions to your retirement savings because that way, you’re more certain to save enough so that you don’t have to work when you should be resting or exploring the world.


The dependent version

This version of you is dependent on handouts from your family to get by because you have minimal retirement savings and may be too weak to work at your age.


We suspect you don’t want this. So, here’s a way to prevent it from happening.


Recommendation: We strongly recommend that you Walk Into Tomorrow via our retirement lifestyle planner to figure out what type of lifestyle you want at retirement and what it would take to achieve it. Then proceed to make Additional Voluntary Contributions to save up the amount your desired lifestyle would take. We also suggest that you don’t neglect regular exercises and health checkups, especially from your 40s so that you remain fit as a fiddle to enjoy an amazing tomorrow.


The balling version

This version is vacationing, sipping a margarita on fancy beaches, and relaxed in the financial stability provided by your retirement savings.


Recommendation: Fist bump on staying committed to growing your retirement savings for a better tomorrow but don’t ball alone! Now, it’s time to invite your friends to make the same commitment to their tomorrow so that you have people to sip margaritas and explore adventure with at retirement.


Click here to invite your friends.


We love the 3rd version of you best and we’re sure you do too.



Click here for more tips or email us at info@armpension.com  for further inquiries.

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