2023FY FBNH Unaudited Financial Result | Interest Income & Non-Interest Revenue to the Rescue

Below is a detailed overview of the unaudited financial result of FBNH for 2023FY. Interest Income & Non-Interest Revenue to the Rescue FBNH released the unaudited Full-year results for 2023, revealing a respective 88.52% YoY and 129.41% increase in Gross earnings and Profit Before Tax (PBT). Major drivers for earnings growth include higher interest income […]
Daily Market Update | 01-02-2024

Daily Market Update (Equities) The Nigerian Equities market had a positive trading session today as the NGX All Share Index (ASI) increased by 1.63% to 102,802.25points. Consequently, the market’s year-to-date (YtD) returns rose to 37.48% (vs 9.70% Yesterday). The gains recorded in BUA FOODS, Zenith Bank and GTCO offset the losses in MTN Nigeria, Computer […]