Daily Market Update | 05-12-2023

Daily Market Update (Equities) The Nigerian Equities market rebounded from its loss yesterday, as its benchmark index, the NGX All Share Index (ASI) rose by 0.43% to 71,250.17 points. Consequently, its Year-to-Date (YtD) returns went up to 39.02% (vs 38.43% Yesterday). The gains in BUACEMENT, FBNH and Access Holdings offset the losses in Airtel Africa, […]
Q3 2023Foreign Trade in Goods Statistics | Four Consecutive Quarters of Trade Surplus

Four Consecutive Quarters of Trade Surplus In the recently released Q3:2023 Foreign Trade in Goods statistics report by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS), Total Trade in the quarter jumped by 54.62% Quarter-on-Quarter (QoQ) to NGN18.80trn from NGN12.16trn in Q2:2023. This surge is associated with similar growth in Total Imports (+47.70% QoQ to NGN8.46trn in […]