Daily Equities Market Update 25-10-2023

Daily Market Update (Equities) The Nigerian Equities market closed the week with a decline in performance as its benchmark index fell by 0.2% to 67,206.16 points. As a result, its year-to-date (YtD) returns decreased to 31.13% (vs. Yesterday’s YtD: 31.15%). The losses recorded in , ETRANZACT, DEAPCAP, and ETERNA offset the gains incurred in MULTIVERSE, […]
Daily Market Update 24-10-2023

Today, the Nigerian equities market closed on a positive note as the bench mark index increased 0.51% to close at 67,217.77 points. Consequently, its Year-to-Date return printed at 31.15% (Yesterday: 30.49%). The strong performance was primarily driven by buying interest in Flour Mills, Chams, and Geregu offsetting the losses in ABC Tran, FTN Cocoa, and […]